Joyful Moments Prenatal
I offer private classes, of 15 hours of in depth, evidence based, and relevant information on all things childbirth, following the Lamaze Six Healthy Birth Practices.
This course is aimed at increasing your confidence and ability to give birth and promoting the childbirth experience as an experience which profoundly affects your family. Birth is a once in a lifetime event, and it is important to prepare for it, so that you have the knowledge and information to be able to make informed decisions and advocate for yourself and your baby.
All aspects of birth will be covered in an effort to help you thoroughly understand the process as well as your options for birth, in an engaging and interesting manner. Prepare for your baby by learning everything you need to know about childbirth! Learn the most current, evidence based information about all aspects of childbirth, and what your options are. An informed birth is a prepared birth, and this course is aimed at increasing your confidence in giving birth.
With the strength of the Lamaze name behind the class, you can be assured that you are attending an evidence-based, transformative, and respectful class that will cover, in detail, information firmly rooted in the latest childbirth research. If you are looking for the most scientifically backed information on safe, healthy, and normal birth practices, then this is the class for you.
Topics Covered Include:
Labour & Birth - Normal, physiological pregnancy, labour & the birth process
Labour & Birth - Variations of Normal & Medical Interventions
Comfort Measures - Managing Labour Discomforts Naturally & Medically
Postpartum & Baby - The Postpartum Period, Breastfeeding, and Newborns
A packet of handouts and other class materials will be given to you prior to each session, which are usually scheduled weekly over a four week series, but the full 15 hours can be broken up however works best for you and your family. The class consists of learning activities, visual cues and examples, handouts, games, and some lecture and videos. A variety of learning techniques to suit all learning styles.

Upcoming Classes
In-person private classes are available to schedule at your convenience.
Virtual classes can be scheduled as well.
Class length is 15 hours.
Price in person: $600
Price Virtual: $450